Silver Classic- Standard


Silver Classic- Standard is a Silver HMO plan by Oscar Insurance Corporation of Ohio.

IMPORTANT: You are viewing the 2023 version of Silver Classic- Standard 45845OH0100052. You can enroll in this plan if you qualify for special enrollment until the end of 2023.


Silver Classic- Standard is offered in the following counties.

Plan Overview

This is a plan overview for 2023 version of Silver Classic- Standard 45845OH0100052.
Insurer: Oscar Insurance Corporation of Ohio
Network Type: HMO
Metal Type: Silver
HSA Eligible?: No
Plan ID: 45845OH0100052

Cost-Sharing Overview

Silver Classic- Standard offers the following cost-sharing.


  • Some plans have separate cost-sharing for medical and drugs, while other plans offer combined cost-sharing. The cost-sharing amounts above are combined medical and drug costs unless otherwise noted.
  • You are viewing the standard version of this plan. Your costs may be lower depending on your income. Use the “get a quote” button below to see your estimated premium and out-of-pocket costs after assistance.
Ready to sign up for Silver Classic- Standard?

Click or call to enroll online, get a quote, or find out if you qualify for assistance.
Get Help from a licensed agent. 1-877-668-0904

Plan Features

Silver Classic- Standard offers the following features and referral requirements.

Wellness Program: No
Disease Program: Asthma, Heart Disease, Depression, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure & High Cholesterol, Low Back Pain, Pain Management, Pregnancy, Weight Loss Programs
Notice Pregnancy: No
Referral Specialist: No
Specialist Requiring Referral:
Plan Exclusions:
Child Only Option?: Allows Adult and Child-Only

Network Details

The following network details will help you understand what Silver Classic- Standard covers when you are out of the service area or out of the country.

Out of Country Coverage: Yes
Out of Country Coverage Description: Emergency Services Only
Out of Service Area Coverage: Yes
Out of Service Area Coverage Description: Emergency Services Only
National Network: No

Additional Benefits and Cost-Sharing

Silver Classic- Standard includes the following benefits at the cost sharing rates listed below.

Service In-Network
Copay / Coinsurance
Copay / Coinsurance
Limits and Explanation
Primary Care Visit to Treat an Injury or Illness
$40.00 100.00% Virtual visits with an Oscar Care urgent care provider are unlimited and always $0?even if you haven?t hit your deductible. Depending on your plan, many prescriptions and labs will also cost you $0, if they?re ordered by your Oscar Virtual Urgent Care team.* Please refer to your plan documents for more information. *For these savings to apply, they must be prescribed by your Oscar Virtual Urgent Care provider under a Silver, Gold, or Platinum plan.
Specialist Visit
$80.00 100.00%
Other Practitioner Office Visit (Nurse, Physician Assistant)
$40.00 100.00%
Outpatient Facility Fee (e.g., Ambulatory Surgery Center)
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00% See specific exceptions to these exclusions and/or additional exclusions that are detailed in plan document; benefits for facility charges for Outpatient Services are payable for the removal of teeth or for other dental processes only if the patient’s medical condition or the dental procedure requires a Hospital setting to ensure the safety of the patient
Outpatient Surgery Physician/Surgical Services
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00% See specific exceptions to these exclusions and/or additional exclusions that are detailed in plan document.
Hospice Services
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00% To be eligible for Hospice benefits, the patient must have a life expectancy of six months or less, as confirmed by the attending Physician.
Routine Dental Services (Adult)
Infertility Treatment
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00% Infertility and voluntary family planning services are required benefits under state law for HMO plans only per ORC section 1751.01 (A)(1)(h), and must be provided in accordance with Ohio Department of Insurance Bulletin No. 2009-07.
Long-Term/Custodial Nursing Home Care
Private-Duty Nursing
$80.00 100.00%90 Visit(s) per Benefit Period Private Duty Nursing Services are Covered Services only when provided through the Home Care Services benefit; Quantitative Limit has been determined as 90 – 110 visits per year and represents the number of visits to meet the established actuarial equivalent of benchmark plan annual dollar limits. Annual and lifetime dollar limits will no longer apply.
Routine Eye Exam (Adult)
Urgent Care Centers or Facilities
$60.00 100.00%
Home Health Care Services
$80.00 100.00%100 Visit(s) per Benefit Period When therapy services are provided in the home (including physical, speech, and occupational therapy) as part of home health care services, they are not subject to separate visit limits for therapy services. The 100 visit/year limit is also not applicable to home infusion therapy or private duty nursing rendered in the home setting.
Emergency Room Services
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible
Emergency Transportation/Ambulance
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 40.00% Coinsurance after deductible Ambulance Services are transportation by a vehicle (including ground, water, fixed wing and rotary wing air transportation) designed, equipped and used only to transport the sick and injured and staffed by Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT), paramedics, or other certified medical professionals: from home, scene of accident or medical emergency to a hospital; between hospitals; between a hospital and skilled nursing facility; or from a hospital or skilled nursing facility to home; ambulance trips must be made to the closest facility that can give covered services appropriate for the member’s condition.
Inpatient Hospital Services (e.g., Hospital Stay)
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00% There are specific exceptions to certain exclusions and/or additional exclusions that are detailed in plan document; inpatient hospital services include charges from a hospital, skilled nursing facility or other provider for room, board, general nursing services; and ancillary (related) services.
Inpatient Physician and Surgical Services
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00% There are specific exceptions to certain exclusions and/or additional exclusions that are detailed in plan document; inpatient medical care visits limited to one visit per day by any one physician.
Bariatric Surgery
Cosmetic Surgery
Skilled Nursing Facility
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00%90 Days per Benefit Period Benefits include Items and services provided as an inpatient in a skilled nursing bed of skilled nursing facility or hospital, including room and board in semi-private accommodations; rehabilitative services; and drugs, biologicals, and supplies furnished for use in the skilled nursing facility and other medically necessary services and supplies.
Prenatal and Postnatal Care
0.00% 100.00% Includes post-delivery follow-up care performed, by a physician or nurse, within 72 hours of discharge, through home health care visits or, at patient’s discretion, in a medical setting. This coverage includes, but is not limited to parent education; assistance and training in breast or bottle feeding; and routine maternal or neonatal tests and screening (including collection of sample for hereditary and metabolic newborn screening).
Delivery and All Inpatient Services for Maternity Care
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00% Coverage for the Inpatient postpartum stay for mother and newborn child in a hospital will be, at a minimum, 48 hours for a vaginal delivery and 96 hours for a cesarean section. Coverage will be for the length of stay recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in their Guidelines for Prenatal Care.
Mental/Behavioral Health Outpatient Services
$40.00 100.00% Coverage and limits must comply with state mandates and the parity standards set forth in the federal Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008.
Mental/Behavioral Health Inpatient Services
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00% Coverage and limits must comply with state mandates and the parity standards set forth in the federal Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008.
Substance Abuse Disorder Outpatient Services
$40.00 100.00% Coverage and limits must comply with state mandates and the parity standards set forth in the federal Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008.
Substance Abuse Disorder Inpatient Services
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00% Coverage and limits must comply with state mandates and the parity standards set forth in the federal Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008.
Generic Drugs
$20.00 100.00% Must comply with Regulations at 45 C.F.R. 156.122, providing coverage for at least the greater of (1) one drug in every USP category and class, or (2) the same number of prescription drugs in each USP category and class as the state’s EHB-benchmark plan; coverage must be provided at no cost sharing for over the counter drugs, stop smoking aids, and nutritional or dietary supplements that are required to be covered under the Preventive/Screening/Immunization benefits.
Preferred Brand Drugs
$40.00 100.00% Must comply with Regulations at 45 C.F.R. 156.122, providing coverage for at least the greater of (1) one drug in every USP category and class, or (2) the same number of prescription drugs in each USP category and class as the state’s EHB-benchmark plan; coverage must be provided at no cost sharing for over the counter drugs, stop smoking aids, and nutritional or dietary supplements that are required to be covered under the Preventive/Screening/Immunization benefits.
Non-Preferred Brand Drugs
$80.00 Copay after deductible 100.00% Must comply with Regulations at 45 C.F.R. 156.122, providing coverage for at least the greater of (1) one drug in every USP category and class, or (2) the same number of prescription drugs in each USP category and class as the state’s EHB-benchmark plan; coverage must be provided at no cost sharing for over the counter drugs, stop smoking aids, and nutritional or dietary supplements that are required to be covered under the Preventive/Screening/Immunization benefits.
Specialty Drugs
$350.00 Copay after deductible 100.00% Must comply with Regulations at 45 C.F.R. 156.122, providing coverage for at least the greater of (1) one drug in every USP category and class, or (2) the same number of prescription drugs in each USP category and class as the state’s EHB-benchmark plan; coverage must be provided at no cost sharing for over the counter drugs, stop smoking aids, and nutritional or dietary supplements that are required to be covered under the Preventive/Screening/Immunization benefits.
Outpatient Rehabilitation Services
$40.00 100.00%60 Visit(s) per Benefit Period Therapy Services rendered in the home as part of Home Care Services will be subject to the Home Care Services visit limits; outpatient rehabilitation services visit limits will not apply. If different types of Therapy Services are performed during one Physician Home Visit, Office Service, or Outpatient Service, then each different type of Therapy Service performed will be considered a separate Therapy Visit. Each Therapy Visit will count against the applicable maximum visits per Benefit Period listed below: Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy limited to 20 visits each. Cardiac Rehabilitation limited to 36 visits. Pulmonary Rehabilitation limited to 20 visits, except if rendered as part of Physical Therapy, the Physical Therapy visit limit will apply. Benefit also includes Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Day Rehabilitation Therapy services on an Outpatient basis. Limited to a combined 60 days per Benefit Period maximum for both Inpatient and outpatient day rehabilitation therapy services.
Habilitation Services
$40.00 100.00% Limits may apply to some services; includes benefits for health care services and devices that help a person keep, learn or improve skills and functioning for daily living, including treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders to children (0 – 21), which at a minimum shall include: (1) Out-Patient Physical Rehabilitation Services including (a) Speech and Language therapy and/or Occupational therapy, 20 visits per year of each service; and (b) Clinical Therapeutic Intervention, which include but are not limited to Applied Behavioral Analysis, 20 hours per week; and (2) Mental/Behavioral Health Outpatient Services to provide consultation, assessment, development and oversight of treatment plans.
Chiropractic Care
$80.00 100.00%12 Visit(s) per Benefit Period Benefit limit applies for Osteopathic/Chiropractic Manipulation Therapy.
Durable Medical Equipment
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00% Covered services include durable medical equipment, medical devices and supplies, prosthetics and appliances, including cochlear implants and eyeglasses/contact lenses (for cataract surgery or injury), and medical/surgical supplies and equipment that serve only a medical purpose for the management of disease. Benefit limits: Wigs are limited to the first one following cancer treatment not to exceed one per Benefit Period; limit of four (4) surgical bras following mastectomy per benefit period; (as required by the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act); Left Ventricular Artificial Devices (LVAD) covered only as bridge to heart transplant.
Hearing Aids
Imaging (CT/PET Scans, MRIs)
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00%
Preventive Care/Screening/Immunization
0.00% 100.00% Services with an ‘A’ or ‘B’ rating from the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF); Immunizations for children, adolescents, and adults recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Preventive care and screenings for infants, children and adolescents as provided for in the comprehensive guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration. Additional preventive care and screening for women provided for in the guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration including: women’s contraceptives, sterilization procedures, and counseling; breastfeeding support, supplies, and counseling (benefits for breast pumps are limited to one pump per benefit period); and gestational diabetes screening; routine screening mammograms; routine cytologic screening; child health supervision services from birth to age 9.
Routine Foot Care
Weight Loss Programs
Routine Eye Exam for Children
$0.00 100.00%1 Exam(s) per Year
Eye Glasses for Children
50.00% 100.00%1 Item(s) per Year Coverage includes benefits specified in the FEDVIP FEP Blue Vision – High Option plan, including low vision benefits.
Dental Check-Up for Children
Not Covered
Rehabilitative Speech Therapy
$40.00 100.00%20 Visit(s) per Benefit Period
Rehabilitative Occupational and Rehabilitative Physical Therapy
$40.00 100.00%40 Visit(s) per Benefit Period Occupational Therapy is limited to 20 visits per benefit period, and Physical Therapy is limited to a separate 20 visits per benefit period.
Well Baby Visits and Care
0.00% 100.00%
Laboratory Outpatient and Professional Services
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00%
X-rays and Diagnostic Imaging
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00%
Basic Dental Care – Child
Not Covered
Orthodontia – Child
Not Covered
Major Dental Care – Child
Not Covered
Basic Dental Care – Adult
Orthodontia – Adult
Major Dental Care – Adult
Abortion for Which Public Funding is Prohibited
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00% Includes coverage for unrelated donor search services ($30,000 per transplant/network & Non network combined) and travel/lodging as approved by the plan ($10,000 per transplant/network & Non network combined). Transplant benefits apply to any medically necessary human organ and stem cell/bone marrow transplants (except cornea and kidney transplants) and transfusions including necessary acquisition procedures, harvest and storage, necessary preparatory myeloablative therapy, and initial evaluation/testing to determine eligibility as a transplant candidate.
Accidental Dental
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00%3000 Dollars per Episode Quantitative Limit represents established actuarial equivalent of benchmark plan annual dollar limits. Annual and lifetime dollar limits will no longer apply. Coverage for dental services resulting from an accidental injury when treatment is performed within 12 months after the injury. The benefit limit will not apply to outpatient facility charges, anesthesia billed by a provider other than the physician performing the service, or to covered services required by law; coverage includes oral examinations, x-rays, tests and laboratory examinations, restorations, prosthetic services, oral surgery, mandibular/maxillary reconstruction, anesthesia and include facility charges for outpatient services for the removal of teeth or for other dental processes if the patient’s medical condition or the dental procedure requires a hospital setting to ensure the safety of the patient.
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00% Benefits include supportive use of an artificial kidney machine.
Allergy Testing
$80.00 100.00%
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00%
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00%
Diabetes Education
0.00% 100.00% Diabetes Self-Management Training for an individual with insulin dependent diabetes, non-insulin dependent diabetes, or elevated blood glucose levels induced by pregnancy or another medical condition.
Prosthetic Devices
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00% Benefits for artificial substitutes for body parts and tissues and materials inserted into tissue for functional or therapeutic purposes. Covered Services include purchase, fitting, needed adjustment, repairs, and replacements of prosthetic devices and supplies that 1) Replace all or part of a missing body part and its adjoining tissues; or 2) Replace all or part of the function of a permanently useless or malfunctioning body part.
Infusion Therapy
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00% Home IV therapy includes but is not limited to: injections (intra-muscular, subcutaneous, continuous subcutaneous), Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN), Enteral nutrition therapy, antibiotic therapy, pain management and chemotherapy.
Treatment for Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00% Benefits provided for temporomandibular (joint connecting the lower jaw to the temporal bone at the side of the head) and craniomandibular (head and neck muscle) disorders.
Nutritional Counseling
$40.00 100.00% Covered benefit under home health services and covered as USPSTF A or B recommendation under preventive health services (includes diet counseling for adults at higher risk for chronic disease, obesity screening and counseling for all adults, and healthy diet counseling for adults with cardiovascular risk factors).
Reconstructive Surgery
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00% Benefits include reconstructive surgery to correct significant deformities caused by congenital or developmental abnormalities, illness, injury or an earlier treatment in order to create a more normal appearance. Benefits include surgery performed to restore symmetry after a mastectomy.
Gender Affirming Care
40.00% Coinsurance after deductible 100.00%

Free Preventive Services

There is no copayment or coinsurance for any of the following Silver Classic- Standard preventive services. This is true even if you haven’t met your yearly deductible.

Please note, these services are free only when delivered by a doctor or other provider in your plan’s network.

Additional Resources

Below are additional resources for Silver Classic- Standard including the Summary of Benefits & Coverage (SBC), plan brochure, formulary link, and a link to the website to pay your monthly premium after you enroll.

Summary of Benefits: Summary of Benefits Link
Plan Brochure: Plan Brochure Link
Formulary: Formulary Link
Premium Payment Website: Premium Payment Link
Ready to sign up for Silver Classic- Standard?

Click or call to enroll online, get a quote, or find out if you qualify for assistance.
Get Help from a licensed agent. 1-877-668-0904

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